Biotechnological Plants - Highly Potential For Drug Production

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Biotechnological Plants - Highly Potential For Drug Production
                    Biotechnological plants have left significant footprints in various fields such as medical science, agriculture, food and food additive industries. But its active participation in the province of medical science has led to dramatic changes in the medical world. It has done a lot for pharmaceutical engineering. It has made possible to fight with adversities raised due to scarcities of medical incentives and has enabled the healthcare units to provide assistance to patients suffering from various health disorders.
Biotechnological plants include biological process of manufacture and drugs are extracted from both plant and animal species. The medicines produced by these plants are free from all sorts of side-effects. These plants use the concepts of new and emerging technologies like genomics, genetic engineering, plant and animal cell-tissue culture etc. They also implement various sophisticated tools and machineries in the manufacturing process.
Biotechnological plants use the ideas of various streams of medical science such as genetics, cell-biology, embryology, microbiology, molecular biology and bio-chemistry. All these ideas and concepts are used in the drug development procedures. New techniques like artificial selection, hybridization and breeding are also used to develop high quality plants and animals that can facilitate the improved qualities of pharmaceutical productions.
These plants possess the potential for unlimited medicine production. With the introduction of new techniques in pathogenesis, these plants are consistently achieving success in medical world. These medicines have the ability to solve several health disorders and increase the life span of mankind.Though these plants require more time and huge initial investments, but the medicines produced are highly efficient and cost-effective that can fight with common as well as crucial diseases.

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There is Nothing Medicinal Garden Plants Cannot Cure

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There is Nothing Medicinal Garden Plants Cannot Cure

Up until this time, there are still those who choose to have medicinal or herbal plants to be their garden plants. Considering the many helpful use that they have, it is no wonder that people put in more time to growing these kinds of garden plants.
Unlike flowering or ornamental garden plants, herbs are not that hard to grow. They do not need all the attention and maintenance that is known to their counterparts. And once they are full-grown, not only can they help in you stay healthy, you can even use some of them to add spice to your meals. This is why medicinal garden plants are continuously being chosen by those who are after their benefits.
Medicinal garden plants and modern medicine.
These kinds of garden plants are the basis for the generic medicines that people have today. If it were not for those who have found out the health solutions that are found in plants, there would probably be no form of effective treatment today.
Medicinal garden plants are tried and tested through laboratories first before they are made into capsules and syrups. It is only after many meticulous processes that the medicines you are taking today are created.
But unlike the usual plants that are rampant in numbers, herbal plants are very limited. The number of people having them as garden plants can attest to the declining focus that should be given these plants.
To keep up with the demand to retain the health benefits of these garden plants, medical experts came upon synthetic ingredients to imitate, if not become far more better than medicinal plants. Although some of them can work, most of them have side effects that people felt once they become dependent on these synthetic medicines.
One of the reason why there are still people growing their own medicinal garden plants is to not experience the side effects that modern medicine can give. These persons choose to save their hard earned money than to spend them on medicines that they know will not help them in the long run.
Instead, they use this money to maintain their unique garden plants to make them grow to perfection. These people knew that they would be getting the rewards for their efforts once these garden plants have been used to treat nay of their ailments.
Today, many people are going back to relying natural herbs to cure their illnesses. Even if science has created modern machines that can heal all known illnesses, no one has ever invented something that can work as well as medicinal plants. There are even cases wherein diseases and worst illnesses are continuously being treated by technology only to be cured by using the traditional medicinal garden plants that are unheard of.
These instances have made it possible for people's trust to go back to medicinal herbal plants. It can be noted that even those who want to lose weight are advised to take some herbal medicines because they tend to be more effective than pills and diet formulas.
You can try out for yourself the benefits that medicinal garden plants will bring to you the next time you find yourself suffering some sort of disease or illness.
Once you have realized what they can do to you and your body, you will probably want to start planting your own medicinal garden plants.

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Medical Gas Plant Break Downs

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Medical Gas Plant Break Downs
   Medical Gas plant, such as medical vacuum pumps and medical air compressors, sometimes don't get the professional attention they need. So like most mechanical things, they break down. Just like our cars, if we don't have those serviced regularly, something expensive breaks or goes wrong, which actually costs us more than the regular service, and that fault might have been picked up before it became critical. As individuals, we tend to be lazy about preventative maintenance because it hurts our pocket, and we have a general mistrust about motor engineers - built up over the years. However, in the professional world of healthcare, medicinal gases are the lifeblood of patient care.
Estates Managers can call upon their medical gas pipeline systems provider - the specialist in this field, and have an engineer on-site within two hours. This may be OK as far as solving the immediate problem is concerned, or the fault may be more than just a quick fix. In this case plant hire comes into its own.
Many Estates and Facilities Managers aren't aware of the fact that medical gas plant can be hired for delivery within 48 hours. That solution has four major benefits:
 1. The installation and extraction is included in the cost of hire.
 2. The plant is maintained by the provider as long as it is in situ. 
3. There is no panic about constantly having cylinder banks (medical air) replenished by porters and portable vacuum appliances (vacuum) by ward porters, whilst the plant is being repaired. 
4. Theatre lists are not interrupted for longer than is absolutely necessary.
In one acute central London hospital, when three Anaesthetic Gas Scavenging System (AGSS) pumps all failed to produce the requisite level of suction in six theatres, the lists were backed up by three hours. These systems need to be "balanced" - that is to say, they must provide sufficient suction to extract anaesthetic gas from the floor of the theatre (so the surgeons and nurses don't pass out), whilst not sucking too much so that the patient wakes up! If temporary hire plant had not been available the theatre manager may have had to delay the whole day's list for six theatres. The cost of this would have run into tens of thousands of pounds.
Plant hire can include back-fed kits for Nitrous Oxide, Oxygen, medical air, surgical air and Entonox. These back-feed kits supply wards and theatres when there is a planned ward upgrade that requires a main pipeline break-in. This keeps the ward or theatre fed with the gases they need from locally positioned cylinders.
Longer term hire can also be beneficial for a hospital, when the capital budget is insufficient to provide a complete plant replacement. One compressor for a quad or triplex system can be provided at short notice and paid for out of the revenue budget until capital is released for purchase. Many hospital trusts are seriously considering taking the medical gas plant off their balance sheets, as a depreciating asset written off over 4 years and used for 15 years becomes a liability! The NHS doesn't need assets, but is one of the wealthiest "corporations" in terms of land and building assets in the UK. It tried to get around this fact by looking at the buildings and building management in terms of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) and Privately Funded Initiatives (PFI), but has realised that the rentals have spiralled out of their control. If rental agreements in these areas were put in perspective with smaller more manageable items such as medical gas plant, then this situation probably wouldn't have occurred. Plant hire works both on a short-term level and in the long-term and should be looked at seriously by Estates Managers and more importantly by Finance Managers with responsibility for estates.
Isn't it about time there was some common sense within hospital management, that said "if we can save money over the course of a year in each department by making sure there were fewer breakdowns through better planned preventative maintenance, every part of the hospital would run more efficiently, and in straightened times, isn't that what we're all aiming for!
Medical Gas engineer who is a member of Medical Gas association in the United Kingdom

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Servicing of Medical Gas Plant Could Be a Casualty of the Recent Government Cuts!

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Servicing of Medical Gas Plant Could Be a Casualty of the Recent Government Cuts!

  Has the squeeze on budget for healthcare estates meant that servicing of vital medical gas plant is being ignored?
Medical Air and Medical Vacuum plant are critical items of equipment in any hospital, as they provide vital medicinal gas to hospital patients. These gases are the responsibility of the chief pharmacist, but are looked after by the estates and facilities departments in most acute hospitals. The medical gas "bible" - HTM 02-01 leaves the servicing of this plant to be dealt with "under the manufacturers' recommendations." This effectively means that plant doesn't get serviced when it should. Other recommendations within the HTM 02-01 are being adhered to by most if not all healthcare estates, not just in this country but in many other countries throughout the world.
So why is it, that Medical Plant Servicing has become the poor relation when it comes to maintaining standards? 

When a quarterly Planned Preventative Maintenance report is presented to the Estates Manager or Medical Gas AP, it is very easy for the AP to request a quotation for the servicing and then ignore the quote. If a PPM engineer reports that plant requires a service, then it should be incumbent upon the Manager to act on the report, rather than let the servicing slide. Some plant in acute hospitals hasn't been serviced since it was installed. Some Estates Managers just leave the plant until it breaks down. The attitude being that they have an on-call servicing company, contracted to them for 24/7 call-outs, so they don't need to budget for servicing - just pay for expensive call-outs. If these managers had allocated budget for each piece of medical gas plant, they would not need to pay for so many expensive call-outs.

Keeping costs down in looking after medical gases is of course a priority for acute hospital estates departments; but their blinkered thinking has been caused by financial constraints put on them by financial managers, who do not understand the cost of not forward planning on a practical level for medical plant servicing.
It has been noted that some medical gas APs have no cap on their emergency call-out spend - presumably because of its unpredictable nature, yet have a cap on maintaining expensive and life-preserving equipment, whose budget falls in a different box.
When was the last time financial managers visited a plant room in their hospital?

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The Secrets of Planting Mixed Garden Containers

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The Secrets of Planting Mixed Garden Containers

Most gardeners will plant a container with a particular type of plant, never mixing vegetables with flowers. Have you ever stopped and asked yourself why? Find out another secret of container gardening here.
In your own mind, like everybody else, you will probably tend to sub-divide your garden and the things in it, into small groups. These are flowers, those are herbs and vegetables, those are weeds. Here is wildlife, those are good and those are pests. This is the way we all make sense of of the world by "compartmentalising". We are more comfortable, cataloguing, making lists and filing everything away into its own little box. This gives us an illusionary sense of control, but a limited understanding of our surroundings. When it comes to planting up a garden or a garden container, it is no wonder that many people use the same methods.
As a gardener, you must try and remember that these are "false" divisions, in the sense they are entirely man made and do not really exist in nature. They are just our way of mapping the world. In reality, everything in the garden, the plants, the wildlife and even yourself, are part of a greater whole, that is not just the local environment but in turn part of the world environment. How does this affect container gardening you may ask?
Most sensible people now reject using chemicals and poisons and try to use more natural methods in their gardening. Over the years, we have made tremendous strides in practical gardening techniques with organic gardening, no digging, square foot gardening, self-watering containers, worm composting, etc. This has resulted in bigger crops and bountiful flowers, as well as adding to bio-diversity and a sustainable future.
Now, we also need to look at our long held attitudes to the plants and wildlife themselves. Using a more holistic approach, why not experiment with inter-mixing flowers, herbs, fruit and vegetables in your planting schemes. You must try not to choose the plant to use because of its type but rather make your choices depending on the plants needs of soil, moisture, light, etc.
The old traditional cottage gardeners knew how to do this when they planted up their wonderful "mixed" gardens. They interspersed their vegetables in their flower beds. Hidden from pests, the occasional cabbage would fall prey to cabbage white butterflies but unlike those modern day allotments, with their cabbages all planted in neat regimental rows, others would go unfound and unscathed. So also, with many other vegetables and their pests. For those old gardeners, also new that many flowers not only hide vegetables with they scent, but like marigolds, actively discourage pests. The same with the rare cases of disease which, unlike in those same neatly planted rows could not spread so quickly, with the plants so far apart. I say rare, because plants that do not have to compete with a near neighbour of the same type, for the same nutrients, are not so stressed and are more healthy and disease rarely attacks a healthy plant.
Sometimes this is referred to as "companion planting", but this is usually just done from the angle of our benefit. We must start thinking about the needs of all the other inhabitants of the garden, as well as our own. If space is is in short supply and garden containers are being used, especially in urban areas, the concept of mixed planting becomes even more important to the local environment.
If you are growing vegetables for your table, then make sure that there are flowers growing with them, that will encourage the pollinators and pest predators. Here is the important thing though, you must also make sure that these creatures have flowers to feed on, not only while you grow and harvest your crops, but also after you have gained your benefits, to sustain them in the months that follow.
Why not mix herbs in with your salad crops if they like the same soil and other conditions. Plant Basil with tomatoes and see how they thrive and the wonderful subtle change in their taste. Use any hardy tall plants, whether vegetables or flowers, to shelter smaller ones from bad weather. Try to attract wildlife to your garden by making sure they have water handy. All creatures from birds to the little bugs that scuttle around, (yes, even the pests!) breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. During the day when these creatures are most active, plants unlike us, breathe in the carbon dioxide, they need it to grow and repair themselves. Birds may be a nuisance thinning your young fruit but their usefulness far out weighs that with the service they provide in eating pests and depositing nutrient rich fertiliser.
Some vegetables like the globe artichokes, will become beautiful architectural plants. This is one of the great secrets of container gardening. Use them in garden containers with other flowers which will attract pollinators for them and also hide them from pests with their strong scents. How many times have you emptied the "spent" compost from a container after growing flowers in it? This soil may not have enough nutrients to grow anymore flowers or vegetables but many species of wild-flower will thrive in this poor soil.
You have to learn how to put the best plants in the best place for the benefit of everything, not just yourself. Do not be discouraged if at first the effects seem small. Over time they will add up. Everything is inter-connected and what benefits a small part, also benefits the whole.
Here is an important tip if you are researching companion planting or have tried it and been disappointed. When the old gardening folklore refers to a particular plant as having a mysterious benefit, remember they are talking about heritage and heirloom varieties. Sadly, in the quest for bigger and fashionable blooms many modern plants have been hybridised (F1 & F2) to the point that they have lost their scent and any natural beneficial quality. Find out more about the natural gardening with heritage and heirloom varieties here.

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